focusing on the green investment prospect
to reveal the hidden value
in real estate and urban infrastructure
through efficient and sustainable use of resources
Real Estate Investors
Green Value Associates (GVA) strategy is to look at real estate assets, assess their long-term sustainability and propose which and how they can be retrofitted faster with the lower possible cost to meet greener standards. GVA proposition to real estate investors and commercial landlords leads to financial gains from higher rental values due to the operating costs reduction, to superior commercial value from green premiums due to the modernisation of existing facilities and to higher sustainability performance rankings from ESG gains due to the implementation of sustainable practices.
GVA also highlights to its clients the importance of “greening” existing property during acquisition and disposal stage. With the help of its corporate partners, GVA provides as required additional technical due diligence to assess energy and environmental performance and calculates the effect of “green” issues in pricing and on future rents. GVA also assesses the costs of running a building and the impact of new and future regulation affecting buildings with high carbon footprints.
When working with Developers in high-profile development projects, Green Value Associates (GVA) objective is to pursue leadership in energy and sustainable design. GVA also showcases the financial benefits on integrating energy efficiency and wellness solutions in high-performance buildings. In large regeneration projects, GVA service proposition encompasses local energy solutions, a departure from the conventional execution approach, which is often (one-way) grid-tied energy supply connection.
In master planning, GVA involves its advisors and experts to align the energy efficiency and sustainability strategy with the development objectives to assure that the design process is not thrown off-course by an added complexity. Additional stages in GVA services include local low carbon energy solutions refinement and potential co-financing partners short-list identification, briefing materials for the design consultants, advisory support during planning and preparation of RFQ from solution providers. To ensure deliverability, GVA provides also support in financial structuring, solutions implementation and construction oversight.
Alternative Investors
The investments in energy efficiency projects in real estate and infrastructure assets are curently being supported by alternative financing mechanisms that include development finance institutions, government-backed funding, renewable energy investors and developers as well as clean-tech funds.
Green Value Associates (GVA) works with the alternative financiers to ensure that the revenues resulting from the energy saving or localised generation measures payback within the targeted timeline. GVA offering also includes the provision mechanism to certify that the performance is guaranteed by the solution provider (an ESCo or a supplier) to reduce the project’s investment risk.
GVA also cooperates with venture capital funds and business incubators to identify opportunities in clean-tech early-stage companies in Europe. In addition, several of its associates enthusiastically mentor start-ups active in the following clean tech fields: sustainable building materials, proptech, data management, energy efficiency, micro-grids, batteries and energy storage, electric vehicles and renewable energy.