focusing on the green investment prospect
to reveal the hidden value
in real estate and urban infrastructure
through efficient and sustainable use of resources
The synthesis report was realised on 11 January 2015. It is the result of a public dialogue initiated on February 2011 and organised on the internet by the European & Foreign Policy Foundation (ELIAMEP), in cooperation with the Hellenic Environment and Culture Company (ELLET) and the European Centre for Environmental Research and Training (EKEPEK) of Panteion University in Athens.
The ‘Transition to a Green Greece ]2010-2020[‘ synthesis report summarised and analysed policy proposals submitted within a framework of public dialogue. The public dialogue gained the trust and respect of major national stakeholders. ELIAMEP invited to participate academics, experts, representatives of local government, civil society and the business sector with expertise in the following green growth policies:
- energy, energy efficieny and renewables,
- agriculture / fishing / mining,
- entrepreneurship,
- urban and transport policy,
- forest policy / water / coastal areas
Green Value Associates (GVA) was also invited to participate and submit workable policy proposals in the sectors of entepreunership, urban policy and energy efficiency. GVA submitted the followng 2 proposals:
1. Proposal for the Establishment of a Low Carbon Economy Incubator, written by Dr. Kimon Palinginis, GVA Senior Advisor at the time and now Principal in Boston Consulting Group as well as Ioannis Orfanos, GVA Director. Please click here to access the executive summary of the aforementioned proposal (in greek).
2. Proposal for a Green Retrofitting Programme of Public Buildings, written by Ioannis Orfanos, GVA Director. Please click here to access the executive summary of the aforementioned proposal (in greek).
This ELIAMEP initiative aimed to provide a forum for listing and exchange of proposals on specific issues of green growth and to promote an effective sustainable development policy framework. The proposals submitted meant to adress 3 principles: i) selective competitiveness, ii) innovation and iii) resource efficiencies. The proposed policies were consolidated into the released synthesis report in the form of an original user manual on green policies implementation .
To access on the internet all public dialogue proposals (in greek) of the "Transition to a Green Greece [2010-2020]" initiative, please visit www.diavouleusi.eliamep.gr
Onassis Foundation provided financial aid for the succesful production and publication of the synthesis report. You can access the synthesis report by clicking here